Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tipping Point

I was hoping the next time I blogged, it would be about happy times adjusting to our new home. This is not the case. For some reason, this isn't working for me. What I mean is, I feel like nothing is working. I am actually losing my mind. I will spare you the details. I think three babies is just too much for me. Or homeschooling a crazy, crazy child. Or living way out where I'm more likely to run into a deer than a person. Well, just kidding. I have neighbors, but you still have to walk or drive to accidentally run into them. What I mean is, very little conversation. What do people do when they are reaching the end of their rope? I have routines. My house is clean. I get dressed, wear makeup, even. I'm not trying to be pathetic. I AM trying to get it together. I guess I just am very anxious for all this to come together effortlessly. Or with effort, I don't care. I just don't want to feel so exhausted and desperate. When do I reach the tipping point?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Some Pictures

This picture sums it up.  

And this little Asher boogar keeps stealing my phone and taking weird, artsy, sometimes-it-totally-works pictures with it.
Like this one:


 Eli and Asher are playing with army guys in their...........LIBRARY. Sort of. Sort of a library. Meh. I'll tell you about it later.


Asher also enjoys being adorable. Also, he is a shit. A tiny, but adorable, shit.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Aparment Potatoes

Oh, yes. I remembered to post. From my phone. Now that's fancy.

So many things are happening. It is before school right now, so I will keep this quick.

We unearthed our own apartment potatoes!

Andy grew them in plastic bins (little trash cans) from sprouted store bought po-tay-toes. Growing things is really just magic. I don't mean magical, I mean straight up magic. Neato. And it's neato.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dotty Onesie

Hello! Asher is so lovingly decorating Mady's onesie for her. It was his idea! Well, no, it really wasn't. But still, he did most of it. Wasn't that nice?

Mady, however, is just not sure how she feels about wearing some silly home decorated crap. Too bad, Mady. Get some motor control and dress yourself.

This is Asher's paint, rip, paste in the style of Matisse. 

Eli was not interested. Instead he prepped for a later project. AKA, he cut a bunch of string.

I made these. Ready to be shipped out to a person of love. 
But if you don't get one, don't get crazy. It doesn't mean I don't love you. I probably do. It's just that these were expensive to make. 
Just kidding. They're coffee filter flowers. Crazy cheap. So fun.

Ok thanks bye!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Feelin Groovyyyyy (go ahead and make a Googie)

I'm feeling rather charmed at the moment.
I mean I'm enjoying my charmed life.

Andy is really comfortable in his job. We are excited and planning and taking steps towards what will hopefully be our last move (well, for five years anyway). We pay all dees bills bills bills right away and that feels amazing! But mostly, I'm feeling so good because the boys and I have hit an aggressive art streak! All day long for about a week and a half now, we've been super busy making the things. And we do it all. And we do it awesome style. And it feels like candy. Like motha effin candy.

Another thing that really does it for me is constantly visiting the library. Something about free books. I don't know what it is, but there is something. About free books. Free. Every time. And they know us there. Eli is the lady's favorite at storytime and that makes me want to hug everything. Shoot. Missed storytime today. Whoops!

And one more thing. About not free books. I have the most inspiring collection of kid-related stuffs. We are never wanting for a story or poem to read. Or reenact! And art and game books an  parenting philosophy boring but not really boring books. All of it. I got them. I gots them aaaalllll. Heart heart heart.

So, paints and papers and books. Oh, look. I am exactly the same person I was twenty years ago. Well, except now I've got my own kidlings. 
And they are living my dream. Whether they like it or not!! 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Dol Guldur

This my sweet storyteller in January. Crazy for this boy!

This house is so different from a month ago. It looks the same for the most part, but all our stress levels went way, way down. I bought the boys blocks and board games...apparently that is what they were missing. Both of them spend, I would say, close to two hours at a time building and destroying towers, castles, and towns they build. Eli even built a frog torturingdevice! A Beanie Baby frog...And the word torturingdevice was in the autocorrect. Weird. Anyway, I'm not constantly going nuts anymore. Yahoo!

Have I told you how much I love this babygirl? Oh, my.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Oh, don't worry. It's only been FIVE MONTHS since I last bloggy-blogged.
Wooopsie!! Hey, I barely keep up with life, so don't be all...don't be all like...don't be that way!

To sum up the last five months: we found a teeny apartment after leaving that tiny cottage-house. Let me just say, the landlords and us...had a major difference of opinion. We moved into the apartment (which was still disgusting after some gross druggie ditched it) and cleaned like we had OCD. On coke. Who just killed someone.
So that was done (although, just to be clear, no drugs, no killing, and less exciting neuroses). The place is fine. It's still only half repainted and waaaaaay too small, but it feels homey enough now.

So then Halloween. Christmas. Eli's FIFTH birthday!! New Years. Valentine's. Saint Patrick's Day. Present day!!


Eli's birthday was a sweet affair. Some lovely children-family Skyped him the Happy Birthday Song. So happy. We had cake and candles and more presents (his day is Christmas) and all was very good. And he got to meet Santa! I really like simple birthdays like this. Eli does too. Well, because he likes anything that involves cake and presents. Duh.

Being pregnant was horrible by the end. My last morning pregnant, I woke up crying because everything ached and stretched and I couldn't sleep to ignore it. But I started having contractions soon after...best mood ever!! They were pleasant little contractions all day. Long story short, I had Little Miss Mady (au naturale) at 3:45 am. And I love  her. She was so calm and alert! She seemed so....just fine. Then they took her from me and she cried. And then we went home together two days later.

Mady is perfect. I'm telling you, she's PERFECT! Patient, sleeps well (amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing), and is just the sweetest thing I've ever seen. The boys at  crazy about her too. Too crazy.

I'm in awesome spirits these days. I'm not pregnant. Winter is giving way to spring. Asher is not terrible anymore. I've been sewing and making stuff like crazy. Andy has a good job with better hours, people, bosses. I have wonderful friends and wonderful family. And I went shopping for the first time in like nine months. For real. And all I bought was books and kids toys!! But books sustain me! And toys are fun to shop for. When you're me.

I think that's enough.

Thank you!